
You can lose a lot if you skimp on your conveyance. Get an expert Conveyancing Lawyer on your side.

You can rely on us for all types of conveyances and all legal matters related to them!

Property Lawyers with extensive conveyancing experience. Contact us today for stress-free conveyancing.

Experienced Lawyers

We have 12 years of combined experience, we understand both the case at hand as well as the individual.


We strive for preeminence in the legal space and fight to win every matter that comes into our office, regardless of size or publicity.


Our law firm is available and in reach to provide expert advice when you need it most, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Priority is You

Truth Lawyers ensures you are kept informed and updated throughout the process whilst developing the strongest case possible.

Sydney Conveyancing Lawyer

We offer a simple fixed fee approach to conveyancing that includes all the inclusions you need for a stress-free property transaction. Our conveyancing lawyers assist people with buying, selling, and leasing every day of the week. Your transaction will be assisted by an experienced property lawyer, who will offer in-depth property law advice, 5 star service, regular updates, and responsive 5 star service.

Conveyancing Services in Sydney

As conveyancing services cover a wide range of transactions and types, they include:

  1. Residential property sales

  2. Residential property purchase

  3. Commercial property sales

  4. Commercial property purchase

  5. Refinancing 

  6. Lease of commercial property

  7. Lease for retail 

  8. Business sale 

  9. Business purchase

  10. Title transfers / transferring property

  11. Registering a mortgage

  12. Settlement of property transactions

Our conveyancing services in Sydney are provided on a fixed fee basis. As a result, your conveyancing lawyer will inform you at the beginning of your matter about their fees for preparing or reviewing the contract of sale, lease agreement, etc., through to settlement.

Property sales and purchases

Vendors (selling) and purchasers (buying) require different legal services. 

As a vendor, you should engage a solicitor once your real estate agent advertises your property. 

A conveyancing lawyer will prepare a contract of sale that outlines the terms of the transaction. Once the contract is signed and exchanged, your lawyer should ensure that your mortgage is discharged (if applicable). The settlement process should then be handled by them, which should include ensuring that the balance payable at settlement is accurate and that you receive the money owed to you at closing (as well as everything in between). 

When you decide to purchase a particular property, it is recommended that you contact a conveyancing lawyer as soon as possible and have them look over the contract before signing. The contract can be very difficult to modify once it has been signed and in most cases, you will not be able to do so. If you decide to change your mind after signing (unless at auction), you will have a cooling-off period of 10 days; however, there is a catch. A deposit of 0.25% of the purchase price must be made at the time of signing the contract and will be applied to the 10% deposit (due and payable after the cooling-off period has expired). In the event that you withdraw from the purchase within the first 10 days, your 0.25% payment will be forfeited. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or agreed by the vendor, if you withdraw from the purchase at any point thereafter, you forfeit your entire deposit of 10%. Before entering into a contract, ensure you contact a mortgage broker or lender and have all your financials in order, including unconditional loan approval, because your lawyer cannot provide financial advice. In the event that your finances are delayed and/or you do not receive loan approval before the settlement date, you will have to pay for the settlement with your own funds or forfeit your deposit. 

In Australia, there are some differences in the process of selling/purchasing; for example, the process in NSW differs from Queensland and Victoria. Make sure you speak to the right person about your conveyance if you are buying a house in Sydney, Brisbane, or Melbourne. This process is different across the country.


Although the process of entering into a lease agreement is similar regardless of whether it is commercial, retail, or residential, the landlord’s (lessor’s) and lessee’s obligations and rights differ. If you are entering into a lease agreement, you must seek legal advice to ensure that you understand your rights and obligations. It is also important for lease agreements to be registered with the land registry service (LRS), and the requirements should be strictly followed so that registration does not become complicated, resulting in additional conveyancing costs if LRS requests that amendments be made to complete registration.

Sale and Purchase of Business

You should be clear about what you are selling or purchasing when it comes to business. It can become very messy when the terms of a contract specify what is being sold or purchased and one of the parties is unclear about them. Before you sign a contract, consult a Solicitor.

Stamp Duty

In NSW, stamp duty is payable on almost any purchase of a property. This amount is due to Revenue NSW for transfers of property from one individual to another. As stamp duty is a significant sum of money, it is crucial that you are informed of it from the beginning of your conveyance. Stamp duty amount varies according to the purchase price.

When your conveyancing lawyer first advises you about your property, he or she will advise you on the exact amount of stamp duty payable. You can calculate the exact amount of stamp duty payable for your property (including the $20.00 stamping fee for every transaction) on Revenue NSW’s website.

First-time home buyers are encouraged to apply for first-home buyer grants and assistance in NSW. However, stamp duty can sometimes be a deal-breaker since you may have to pay that amount out of pocket if your loan amount does not exceed the property’s purchase price. This grant, however, has certain eligibility requirements. This grant is available to buyers of newly constructed homes with a total value under $600,000 or those who intend to build a dwelling on land with a combined value of $750,000 (land and dwelling). Eligibility criteria are as follows:

  1. Individuals over the age of 18 (individuals, not companies);

  2. It must be an Australian citizen (or at least one of the people you are buying with must be an Australian citizen); and

  3. Owned or co-owned no property in Australia;

  4. You and your spouse have never owned or co-owned property in Australia; and

  5. In Australia, you have never received a homeowner grant; and

  6. In Australia, your spouse has never received a homeowner grant.

It is worth noting that number (1) above has been included as part of the eligibility requirements as some people elect to purchase a property under a company name or ABN. If this is something you are considering, speak with one of our conveyancing solicitors today about the differences.

Conveyance Stamp Duty Calculators

  • Residential Property Calculator
  • Commercial Property Calculator

We are currently updating our residential property conveyance calculator. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Conveyances refer to the act of transferring ownership from one person to another; in other words, property transactions. Although it may seem straightforward, this process is not always as straightforward as one would hope and may actually be riddled with legal issues.

When you decide to sell or buy a property, you should seek legal advice.

Our Sydney conveyancing lawyers and Sydney conveyancers at Truth Lawyers can assist you along the way.

Get in touch with one of our property lawyers Sydney today for a no-obligation consultation about your conveyancing matter.

Buying a House or Property

The importance of seeking legal advice when looking at a real estate contract cannot be overstated. Many purchasers have been blindsided by vendors and/or agents and ended up in a mess. The horror stories can adversely affect men’s health and may lead to symptoms of premature ejaculation that can be resolved with priligy tablets. In the course of conducting a conveyancing transaction on behalf of a purchaser, our conveyancing lawyers ensure you are prepared for critical deadlines that arise during the three main stages. There are generally three stages to a conveyance: pre-contract, pre-completion, and post-completion. During a conveyance, our Sydney conveyancers will:

  1. Create and lodge legal documents such as the sale of contract and memorandum of transfer

  2. Check the property’s certificate of title for easements, types of titles, odd listings, and conditions, and speak with the purchaser if you have any concerns.

  3. Calculate and deposit the correct amount into a trust account

  4. Assist you in settling the property by liaising with both bank representatives, the seller’s conveyancer, the regulator, and any other third parties that need to be involved. After the property has settled successfully, the purchaser will be notified.

  5. Make sure the purchaser’s rights and interests are adequately represented by the vendor or the seller’s agent

Selling a House or Property

To sell a house, land, unit, shop, warehouse, or any other property, you should hire a certified practicing conveyancer or solicitor to prepare a contract for sale of land.

Auctions: Buying and selling

While auctions can be a dynamic and interesting process, you must be aware of the rights you waive when you purchase at auction, as well as the critical aspects of selling via auction.

The Entire Conveyancing Process

Retail and Commercial Leasing

While real estate agents sometimes water it down, there are clauses in Retail and Commercial leases that can break the bank. Although it may seem logical that Retail and Commercial leases are similar, in reality, they are governed by different laws and regulations.

Residential Leasing

It is always a good idea to seek legal advice on your residential lease. Even a seemingly clear-cut contract may have ambiguous language that can bind you to items or payments you weren’t aware of.

Buying or Selling a Business

A contract listing what is included in the sale of a business, not just a contract for land sale, is necessary if you are buying or selling a business.

Our conveyancing lawyers’ service expectations

If you’re still unsure, here’s how our conveyancing lawyers can help you with the property conveyancing process.

Full Property Lawyer Representation

 In every step of the process, we guarantee fairness and honesty by our property lawyers. Our property lawyers are well acquainted with the market and its regulations.

Conveyancing and Property Law Advice

The real estate process is extremely detailed and can be full of loopholes if not handled appropriately. Because our property lawyers are familiar with both conveyancers and property law, we offer you conveyancing advice to ensure you’re getting your property’s worth and inform you of potential issues that need to be addressed.

Conveyance Fee with Full Disclosure

With Truth Lawyers, costings are handled efficiently and effectively by experienced lawyers who can handle the conveyancing process and transaction efficiently and effectively. In addition to fixed legal fees, we also charge disbursements upfront for every client of ours.

Legislation Knowledge

Australian property transactions are not governed by a universal set of legislation. In order to ensure compliance with the respective law and avoid any losses, it’s always important to consult a lawyer. Each state and territory has its own property laws governing the market.

Don’t take a chance!

Don’t take the risk of losing your property or losing a significant sum of money. Anyone who doesn’t have a thorough understanding of the tremendous amount of paperwork and work involved in a conveyancing transaction is likely to make mistakes. Leaving nothing to chance, our Sydney conveyancer lawyers handle every case personally and process every document and detail themselves.

We are Here to Help You!

Book Your Conveyancing Consultation Today

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Frequenty Asked Questions

No. We are a law firm, not a conveyancer. This provides our clients with additional guarantees and insurance; as well as allowing us to represent them in court should anything go wrong. LawCover is a mandatory cover we take out as a law firm. We are covered by this and other statutory warranties for up to $2 million per claim.

The property team has over 12 years of experience dealing with complex strata disputes and reports. We can decipher what the report entails and advise you accordingly.

We have over 12 years of experience in property law, conveyancing, and environmental law and work on residential and commercial property purchases and sales every day.

  • Search for titles

  • Fees charged by authorities responsible for water, electricity, roads, and schools.

  • Mortgage registration

  • Transfer registration.

Other than legal fees and disbursements, conveyancing costs may include:

  • Inspections of buildings and pests

  • Report on the survey

  • Mortgage establishment

  • Insurance for home construction

  • Fees associated with valuations

  • Report on strata

  • Insurance for mortgages

  • Taxes on stamps and mortgages

  • If the property is in a strata or community scheme, there are levies

  • Rates for council and water.

Despite the fact that there are no hidden service charges or costs per se, you should know what is included in the scope of work you are paying for. In the Costs Agreement, our property lawyers specify how many contract reviews are included in our scope of work. Should you need any tax or financial advice, you should also consult with a qualified financial advisor or tax agent.

Your first communication with us will be an initial letter with written advice on the contract; thereafter, we will contact you frequently to obtain instructions and keep you updated on the other party’s responses. We will then touch base during settlement to ensure you are ready to settle and stay in touch frequently up to and during settlement. After settlement, we will let you know about the outcome and any delays.

The upfront payment covers contract reviews with the balance of our fees and disbursements taken from settlement funds.

Our fees and all disbursements are taken from settlement monies after we receive an upfront payment for contract reviews.

Depending on the complexity of the contracts provided, less reviews will be included, e.g. those involving apartments/townhouses with strata reports. We provide thorough written advice and a consultation along with each review to ensure you fully understand what you are buying. This is the biggest purchase of your life, so don’t let it turn into a nightmare with us!

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